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How to Plan a Stress-Free Year-End Holiday as A Lawyer

You stumble off your international flight, and there, in the arrival hall, is a well-dressed chauffeur waiting to take you to your holiday destination. Things are looking up. But how is this possible? How can you plan a stress-free year-end holiday while your law firm continues to run? How are the clients being taken care of while you are away?

This article explores what you need to consider before going on holiday and the measures you can implement to ensure that your law firm runs smoothly, even if you’re not physically there.

Go ahead, plan your holiday.

The following key points will serve to help you make sure everything is covered:

  1. Review regulations for travel

Safety regulations for travel during the pandemic vary from country to country. Rules frequently evolve. Therefore, it makes sense to check for the latest updates, even before you travel. Many authorities recommend that all parties are vaccinated and tested before travel. If you plan to travel with family members who aren’t vaccinated, opt for short road trips to private properties. In any case, be sure to mask up and observe social distancing rules.

  1. Schedule your holiday

It sounds simple, but most lawyers struggle with this. Be steadfast and strict about keeping your holiday time clear of client meetings, court appearances, or conferences when scheduling a holiday. Deliberately picking a slow week at work helps you reduce stress and overthinking during your holiday.

  1. Inform colleagues, clients, and partners

Set clear expectations with all parties. When you articulate specified conditions, it divests possible chaos at work, your colleagues, clients, and partners will know:

    •   what to expect during your holiday
    •   whom they should get in touch with during your absence
    •   when is the best time to get in touch with you if needed
    •   what to do should a crisis occur

CoreMatter‘s powerful memo system can help you inform your team about your holiday break, complete with settings for reminders and a shared calendar visible to the whole firm.

  1. Practice good inbox housekeeping

Auto-responses are your friend during your holiday. When crafting your email auto-response, list down relevant parties to contact within your law firm, complete with their email address and phone numbers. If you expect limited connectivity during your holiday, be sure also to state that in your email to set expectations. It will help reduce the number of notifications in your inbox.

Be sure to also clear as many emails as possible before your holiday to avoid the stress of answering a mountain of emails when you return. You can also set email filters to help you organize emails by the project.

  1. Succession planning

If you are a law firm owner, be sure to have a succession plan in place if you don’t have one already. Establishing a successor will ensure the continuity of your business and make sure your clients and staff are in good hands. It will also give you peace of mind when you go on a holiday.

  1. Use cloud-based practice management technologies

Thanks to advancements in technology, you don’t have to pause your law firm when you go on holiday. This means you can peek into your law firm’s performance even while you are sun-tanning by the beach.

CoreMatter‘s cloud-based legal practice management, accounting, and billing software help automate your law firm, giving you the flexibility to stay connected wherever you may be. As a result, you never have to worry about being wholly parted from your office.

Vital tasks such as keeping matters organized, tracking lawyer time and expenses, creating calendar events, and approving invoices all become a breeze. CoreMatter also comes with a world-class cloud security system to keep all your information secure and private. A platform like CoreMatter also helps your law firm reduce errors and duplicate tasks and boost revenue. It is a worthwhile investment.

Book a free demonstration today and experience this powerful tool for yourself.

Got your flight tickets ready?

If you have everything above in place, you’re all set to enjoy your holiday without having to put your law firm on hold. With CoreMatter, you can stay connected to your firm even if you are traveling to another part of the world. Having your firm on a secure cloud with robust practice management software at your fingertips gives you total freedom to when and how you want to work.

Knowing that the system is in place means you and your team can get paid even while you are on holiday. This also means that you can reasonably manage your clients without any worries. You could also choose to work a little during your holiday, only if you want to. So go ahead, get on that flight to your holiday destination. You have everything in place with the proper preparation and cloud-based legal practice management software.

To learn more about how CoreMatter works, sign up today for a free demo!
CoreMatter, the leading cloud-based case management tool in Southeast Asia, frees your firm from the mess of the mundane to focus on what matters most.